Pain points
Understand arthritis and how to find relief
Some 6 million Canadians suffer from arthritis—and that number is expected to reach 9 million by 2040. So, it’s likely that you or someone you know has this incurable and sometimes debilitating disease.
The basics
Arthritis pain affects the ability to perform tasks that many of us take for granted, such as dressing, bathing, walking and climbing stairs. The physical toll can also impact mental health and decrease the quality of life.
Both men and women can be affected at any age; however, more women than men are diagnosed with it. And it can strike at any age—fewer than half of those who have it are older than 65.
While there are more than two dozen forms of arthritis, osteoarthritis—which occurs when the smooth cartilage joint surface wears out—accounts for about two-thirds of cases.
Rheumatoid arthritis, which affects 5% of arthritis sufferers, is the second-most common. It is an auto immune disorder, meaning the body’s immune system attacks the joints for unknown reasons that could be related to genetics or hormones.
With each of these types, pain is accompanied by swelling, stiffness and decreased mobility. Rheumatoid sufferers also experience “flares” of symptoms.
Left untreated, affected joints can become deformed and require surgery.
Diagnosis and treatment
Diagnosis to determine the type of arthritis involves various tests including a physical exam, X-rays and blood tests.
Because it is a systemic disease, rheumatoid arthritis is linked to heart disease, and the advice that surrounds healthy eating, active lifestyle, cholesterol and blood pressure also applies to both of these diseases. Occupational and physiotherapy can help improve range of motion, mobility and quality of life.
In the past couple of decades, progress has been made with new, but often expensive, refrigerated and injectable medications that slow the progression of arthritis, beyond reducing pain and decreasing inflammation. Fortunately, many provincial plans cover a number of these medications and have copay assistance programs that lessen the financial burden.
If you or someone you know suffers from one of the many forms of arthritis, reach out to a healthcare professional to identify the cause and come up with the best treatment options for you to get your life back on track.
Pharmacies in Costco’s Quebec locations are independently owned and operated by pharmacists.
Lawrence Varga, B.Sc.Phm., is assistant vice president of Costco Pharmacy.
Joseph Hanna, B.Sc. Phm., CDE, CGP, director of Costco Pharmacy, contributed to this column.