What’s your favourite board game?
Costco members respond to our poll, posted to Costco's Facebook page
Costco should make a version of Monopoly where you go around the board and instead of going to jail you land on “[Spouse] goes on shopping spree—spend $1,000.”
George Nash
It’s a tie between Monopoly and Battleship.
Gerry Trepanier
Electronic Battleship.
Trish Proulx
Brenda Miller
Carolle Rose
A family favourite for us is The Game of Life!
Sarah Dietz
Mexican Train [dominoes]…Choo! Choo!
Grace Tremblay
Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride: Europe.
Rémi Fad
Clue. I liked it as a kid, and like it as an adult. Also Payday.
Marla Joy Bueckert
Alien Frontiers.
Eli Gingerich
The game Trivial Pursuit was created by Canadians Chris Haney and Scott Abbott, a photo editor for Montreal’s The Gazette and a sports editor for The Canadian Press, respectively.
Some not-so “bored” games
According to MoneyInc.com, the following list ranks the 10 highest-selling board games of all time. Did your favourite make the cut?
- 10 The Game of Life
- 9 Candy Land
- 8 Battleship
- 7 Trivial Pursuit
- 6 Clue
- 5 Scrabble
- 4 Monopoly
- 3 Backgammon
- 2 Checkers
- 1 Chess
Watch for the poll at Facebook.com/Costco. Or weigh in at connection@costco.com , with subject line "Poll."
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