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Inside Costco // Member Connection

woman in industrial kitchen

Catherine Schmuck in the galley aboard the Baie St. Paul

fish burger and home fries

Classic fish burger and home fries

Cauliflower falafel

Cauliflower falafel

A taste of home

Catherine Schmuck cooks for 25 people at every meal. As chief cook on a cargo ship, her job is to keep the crew members happy and well fed as they travel the waterways of eastern Canada and the United States.

“It can be tough for the crew to be away from their families,” Schmuck explains. “I make a lot of comfort foods that can hopefully be a highlight of their day.” Her recipes for homemade, hearty meals were so popular that she published a cookbook, Ship to Shore Chef (; not available at Costco).

A long-time Costco member, Schmuck says she gets excited when she sees Kirkland Signature™ products in her galley kitchen. “It’s like having a little bit of home with me,” she says. Personal favourites include Kirkland Signature maple syrup, chia seeds, almond flour and chocolate chips.—Kristi York

Member Info

  • Who Catherine Schmuck
  • Hometown Mont-Tremblant, Quebec
  • Occupation Chief cook aboard Canadian cargo ships
  • Best part of the job “The ever-changing scenery through my galley porthole.”—Catherine Schmuck