Collector calls
August is like the Sunday of summer. We are enjoying the last warm days before fall comes to greet us again. We are both nostalgic and sad as the season winds down.
Maybe you have picked up a few mementos this summer to add to a prized collection. This issue’s cover story, “Amazing amassing,” features many of the items our members have told us they love to collect. And the number and variety of Costco collectors and collections are pretty awesome. Because we couldn’t feature them all here, here’s a partial list of what we discovered Costco members collect: advertising, bicycles, buttons, cameras, cans, frogs, keys, matchbooks, Nativity scenes, Pez dispensers, seashells, toys, watches—whew!
My two children are both graduating university this year. How quickly their school days are coming to an end. Many of you will be sending your own children back to school. If you have kids in any age of schooling, I recommend our Back-to-School Special Section article on school-life balance.
Our great cereal and toast topper recipes will help start the school day off right. And this month’s articles on successful carpools and mini workouts might be just what you need to get back to your fall routine.
Finally, from our team here at the Connection to all our members who participated in this issue’s cover story, a collective “Thank you!” We enjoyed hearing about what you love to collect.
Coming next issue
Our cover story will take a look at Costco warehouses around the world.
Sue Pudrycki is Assistant Vice President of Marketing.
The Costco Connection is published by Costco Wholesale. All editorial material, including editorial comments, opinion and statements of fact appearing in this publication, represents the views of the respective authors and does not necessarily carry the endorsement of Costco Wholesale or its officers. Information in the Costco Connection is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed. The publication of any advertisements is not to be construed as an endorsement of the product or service offered unless it is specifically stated in the ad that there is such approval or endorsement. The advertised dates indicating when products will be available are subject to change without prior notice. Products may not be available in all locations on the dates advertised. Publishing offices are located at 415 West Hunt Club Road, Ottawa, ON K2E 1C5. Copyright © 2023 Costco Wholesale.
*Only Costco members in good standing may use instant savings featured in this issue of the Costco Connection. These instant savings are valid only at our warehouse locations in Canada unless an offer expressly specifies that the instant savings are: (1) also available on; or (2) exclusively available on Some items may not be available at Costco Business Centre locations. The instant savings are valid for the specified periods only, have no cash redemption value and may not be combined with any other offers or savings unless otherwise specified. Selection and pricing may vary by warehouse and/or on and are subject to change without notice. Offer limited to inventory in warehouse and/or on Item colour may differ from picture. Prices may be subject to additional fees, such as environmental handling, recycling or disposal fees. Costco reserves the right to limit quantities purchased and to correct errors. Delivery charges for items purchased on are extra unless otherwise stated and may vary depending on item and delivery location.
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Dan Jones
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